In January 2026, the Mini DMR – The Dark edition will be run again.
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On Saturday, October 7, 2023, the Mini Dutch Mini Rally will be held in the surroundings of the Betuwe region. To make the most of Saturday, the rally will start around 10:00 a.m. at “Molen de Zwaluw” in Kesteren. The briefing will take place there at 9:30 a.m. As always, Dick will again put together a very challenging route where there will be 3 classes to compete for the honorary metal. At the start, as always, there will be a cup of coffee with some goodies so as not to start the day on an empty stomach.
A good lunch will be served mid-day and a well-stocked bar awaits at the end of the day where strong stories of the day’s experiences can be shared. At dinner, the prize winners will then finally be announced. By the way, dinner is also at the place where we start, “Molen de Zwaluw” in Kesteren.
Participation in the rally costs €185 and, as always, participants will receive a fully catered day for that, with only the drinks for man and machine at their own expense. Also included are the familiar rally shield, route books and an explanation at the finish line. Again this year we are using the rallycheck app. The familiar control letters are no longer placed along the side of the road but appear on screen while driving on the app pre-installed by participants on their phones. This allows for quicker results after the rally. All participants will still receive plenty of information on how to use the app. The rally is open to the New MINI and the Classic Mini. Registration for the Mini Dutch Mini Rally will close once the available number of starting places (50) has been given away. There is no waiting list or reserve list. We would like to welcome you to the start of the Mini Dutch Mini Rally. On behalf of the entire crew.
"Driving in the dark makes it extra exciting. glad we mounted some extra lighting!"
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